As road users, riders need some tips to stay safe. The thrill of the two wheels, beating the traffic, just name it! Riding is beautiful! In fact, many like to call it a life-changing means of commuting.
Be it new or seasoned riders, there are tips to keep in mind to help you ride safely and avoid accidents. For new riders, you may have learned these things while training to ride, and for experienced riders, you may feel these things are part of you already. Regardless, a little reminder won’t hurt. So, let’s dive right into this article and find out some essential tips to keep in mind every time you set out to ride.
Take Note of Road Conditions
Common road conditions to watch out for are wet and slippery types. Beyond the common types are wet leaves, potholes, gravel, and other hindrances. True, you may drive on a particular road frequently, yet it’s essential to pay attention to the condition of the road every time you use it. And this is because the condition of the road may not remain the same. A once perfect road may be doused with wet leaves or greasy substances. You’ll have to pay attention to spot these changes. To take note of changes on the road, you need to always pay attention and be careful. So, don’t get carried away by your thoughts or your surroundings. Of course, you can enjoy the view around when riding, yet it’s important to pay attention to avoid unfortunate occurrences.

Be Visible
Make yourself visible to motorists when riding. Many accidents have resulted from motorists hitting riders. In most cases, motorists claim not to have seen a rider until they hit them. So, always make yourself visible when riding. Pay attention to junctions where motor vehicles join a major road. Stay alert and use your horn to announce your presence. Please, don’t assume they’ve seen you, and relax. No, even when you think you’ve been seen or have made eye contact with the driver, stay alert to react fast if something goes wrong.
Another instance that requires a rider to pay keen attention is when overtaking cars in a queue. Always use your horn in this situation to alert motorists who may be attempting to make a U-turn or open a car door. Chances are they can’t see you in the mirror, so you need to alert them.
Low-Speed Controls
You’ll often find yourself in slow traffic trying to maneuver your way. In this situation, you need to learn how to drive at a low speed as you find space to move into. Balancing your weight, using the throttle and clutch a little, will help you stay steady. Additionally, focusing on the small path the bike will move through is equally important. To learn this effectively, you need to take out time to learn. Visit an open area at your leisure and practice how to move at low speed. Practice U-turns, riding Zig-zag, and coming to a stop in a balanced position.
Be Defensive
Riders are often advised to ride defensively. In essence, you don’t be aggressive on the road. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ride with confidence. Just anticipate possible dangers and be proactive. When on a major highway, stay in the middle of the lane so a motor vehicle driver won’t take it as an invitation to come close and force you to a tiny space. Be observant; look around to assess the situation around you. When trying to overtake in a bid to switch to another lane, it’s best to do so between two cars beside each other. This is because drivers are less likely to move to another land when another car is the spot they want to move into.
Lock Your Bike
Bikes are one of the easiest automobiles to steal. To make matters worse, many motorbikes do not have a good security system to prevent theft. It, however, sounds funny that thieves may sometimes steal a bike as a whole. The bikes are lifted into trucks or vans. The best way to prevent bike theft is to get a good chain to keep it locked when you park outside. When you fix a lock, always attach it to a strong object. Also, suspend the chain to make it harder to break because when a chain is placed on the ground, it’s easier to break.

Alternatively, you should aim to always park in a crowded area — this would prevent theft or at least make it harder for thieves to attempt. If you go about with a bike cover, then you may cover it to hide it from sight — it might be more effective than you think.
These tips are beneficial for all riders regardless of their experience. So keep them in mind because they may be the best piece of riding advice you’d ever receive.