Tricycles, although they began to attract the attention of road users relatively recently, appeared in the 18th century. At that time, the audience was presented with a three-wheeled steam-powered vehicle capable of travelling 5 km. Today it is a huge category of vehicles, combining configurations with three wheels. They can be with a motor, without a motor, open, closed, with horizontal, vertical landing.
In the common vocabulary, the words “trike” and “tricycle” are often interchangeable. To clarify, the former is a subcategory of the latter. Trikes include three-wheeled motorcycles, which have one front and two rear wheels, located symmetrically to the axle, and their technical characteristics allow to move on public roads. A category A license is not enough to drive a tricycle vehicle. If you own a model with a 50cc engine and a loaded mass of 550 kg, you will need a category B1. B license holders can drive trikes and other three-wheeled vehicles without problems.